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KO Creative

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Located in Tampa, Florida, Kaytie Odom is a current student at the University of Tampa working towards her BFA. Though she sees herself as a multidisciplinary artist, she is using her degree to concentrate on film photography and painting. While her work depicts her interest in traditional topics of self, sexuality, religion/mythology, and femininity, she uses untraditional materials to subvert these topics by adding a darker tone

Though she is still pursuing her career as a working model, Kaytie draws 

significant inspiration and themes for her art from her experience in the fashion industry. Within her photography, her primary medium is 35mm color and black-and-white film, which she develops and prints in the darkroom on campus. Influenced by fashion and editorial styles, her photographs not only capture the subject's beauty but also present them in a conceptual and performative manner, reflecting her love for the fine arts. 

Kaytie's photograph Jasmine was recently awarded second place at the Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition at the University of Tampa's Scarfone/Hartley Gallery. Two of her other works, Duality of a Man and The Moirai were also exhibited at the Scarfone/Hartley Gallery at the same time. 


Artist Statement

My work is an inner reflection of the self. 


I use unconventional mediums to delve into the darker side of femininity, sexuality, and religion. Through the use of animal bones, lingerie, and condoms, I aim to deconstruct the dichotomy between societal expectations and the hedonistic wants of the human spirit. 


 Women are often scorned for exhibiting desires where men would get praise. The divinity and power of the female form are represented throughout much of my work, whether in photography with feminine subjects or a more abstract representation, as with some of my paintings.

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